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Calvisiusstraße 13

04177 Leipzig-Lindenau

Bildinhalt: Eintrag der Fa. Gebr. Pursche, Leipzig W 33, Calvisiusstraße 13, im Leipziger Adressbuch von 1949. Warengruppe Siebe und Siebwaren. Archiv Gerd Horn
Eintrag der Fa. Gebr. Pursche, Leipzig W 33, Calvisiusstraße 13, im Leipziger Adressbuch von 1949. Warengruppe Siebe und Siebwaren. Archiv Gerd Horn

1909, 1911, 1943, 1949
Gebr. Pursche
Leipzig W 33
Calvisiusstraße 13
Erzeugnisse: Drahtwaren, Anfertigung von Draht-Zäunen, Gittern, Geflechten, Sieben und Siebwaren, Fabrikation und Lager aller Sorten Siebe für chemische und industrielle Zwecke
(Die Fa. Gebr. Pursche produzierte vor 1909 in der Henricistraße 16, Nähe Lindenauer Markt.)

Bürobedarf Otto M. Römer
Leipzig W 33
Calvisiusstraße 13

- Leipziger Adressbuch 1911, 1949
- Adreßbuch der Reichsmessestadt Leipzig mit Markkleeberg, Böhlitz-Ehrenberg, Engelsdorf, Mölkau 1943
- Archiv Gerd Horn
- Sammlung Lindenauer Stadtteilverein e. V.



Mennonite your way
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16
Here is a child-friendly apartment in Leipzig:
Calvisiusstraße 13, 04177 Leipzig-Lindenau
Oliver Thomys
Contact MYW
Phone: +1 (717) 716-6862

"We live in the fast growing district Leipzig-Lindenau. Our apartment is located on the first floor (no elevator) of an apartment building built around 1912. In our 132 square meters meters appartment, there is a guest room and a bathroom for our guests. The house was completely renovated at the turn of the millennium. We have renovated in 2015, large parts of the apartment. Thus, the apartment is state of the art.

In summer we spend a lot of time in the garden bordering the house. Although we officially share this with the other residents of the house, we are usually alone there. When we move around the city we mostly use our bikes. We would also like to make these available to you so that you can explore the city in a relaxed way.

The Lindenau district has long been neglected and is blossoming. It is located about 4 km from the city center. The cityscape is very heterogeneous. There are still unrefurbished buildings, historic villas, many houses built at the end of the Wilhelminian era, objects that were built in GDR times and for several years also a number of new buildings. Since the rents are still low [or were low] in the unsanated objects of the main roads, artists and business founders have settled here. Right next door there are a variety of gastronomic offers.
The Lindenauer are particularly proud of their three theaters, which are located near the Lindenauer Markt. [There are eight theaters in total in Lindenau!] A few years ago still insider tip and mainly populated by older people and students, draw recently more and more young families in the district, which now also shape its image.

If you want to leave the city limits, you can also make day trips to other cities. This can be done either by car or train. There would be Berlin, Potsdam, Dresden, Halle (Saale), Meissen, Jena, Weimar, Erfurt, Eisenach or the Harz (montains).

In terms of traffic, Leipzig is very well connected to Germany and Europe through the Leipzig-Halle international airport, the long-distance railway station, the bus station and the A9, A14 and A38 motorways. In the city you can get either by bike, the LVB (trams and buses) or, more recently, via cityflitzer/teilAuto (car sharing) to any point.

Leipzig is known as the fastest growing and liveable city in Germany and we can not imagine living anywhere else. With a size of [...; more than] 600,000 inhabitants, it offers a variety of cultural offerings (opera, Gewandhaus, Völkerschlachtdenkmal, numerous museums, historic churches and other buildings, cabarets, theaters, …).
Especially popular are the numerous parks and waterways that extend to the city center. These invite you to all kinds of leisure activities. A special highlight is the Leipziger Neuseenland, which was created in the last decades. This is located in the south of Leipzig and attracts with long beaches, boat tours, diving and many other possibilities. In addition to lakes there is also Belantis, an amusement park.

Nearby there is the popular Auenwald and the very beautiful Clara Zetkin Park, as well as several waterways. These form the starting point to discover Leipzig from its most beautiful side."

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